Monday 14 March 2016

Shredz 30 day challenge #week3

                Shredz 30 Day Challenge!
                              Follow my instagram >>>  @jayjandoanderson

Ok guys and girls, so we are on week 3!
Weight hasnt changed toooooo much, but i did have a shit couple of days these past few days, i was sick yesterday and the day before thanks to a cheat meal of bad Thai food!
Let me just throw this in while I'm at it, if you eat clean say 2-3 weeks then get a cheat meal.. or decide to have one, DO NOT i repeat DO NOT have one with high oils, MSG, salts and I'm sure other shit....cause thats all you'l do for 2 days...shit, have stomach cramps and feel like death, struggling to eat your meals or even train, so that last 2 days has been me eating oats and rice cakes to try settle my stomach while i drink hydrolights to get my electros up!
today ( Tuesday ) i'll be back in the gym smashing out a leg session which consist of
leg extensions
laying leg curls
Sumo squats
Leg press

pretty much the sets are around 5-8 and reps are around 6-10, so it'll be a heavy day me thinks :)
feel free to give it a crack, rest is around 60-90sec.

before you hit the legs do your 5-10min warm up stretch it out, hit your abs with some
Leg raises
Russian twist
ab roller

45 sec on
30 sec rest
6 rounds

After you it the abs and the leg's time for your HIIT session...yeah its going to suck, but ahh well off you go.


level 14-15 ( or what you can do thats a sprint )
incline 3-4

15sec on 20sec on......every 2-3 min walk for 3 min to recovery, then go again for 15-20min....have fun!

I think the most important thing about this program is that you need to be consistent!

 keep up with the workouts, make sure you finish them off and give 100% in each session!
take the supplements at the right time and eat your meals! your results will come!

Top 2 are when i first started 3 weeks ago
Bottom 2 are 3 days ago ( before I got sick )

Shoulders have fill'd  out and i've gotten wider up top and leaner around the mid section!
no filters here or any photo shop...just hard work!

So 2 more weeks to go....lets see what i can do!

make sure you jump over to my instagram for the workouts i'm doing :)

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