Thursday 28 April 2016

Image of self

                                                  The Image Of Self

Question, are you truly happy with you?!

No, i'm not just talking about your looks,
im talking about, work , training, how you look, how you feel, your mind set, your partner or maybe single and looking for the right person?
Do you wake up each day with the feeling of fulfilment?

The biggest misconception we have with the fitness industry is that the high profile athletes on social media are getting where they are by doing this or taking that....what you may not know is that yes they get paid to say it....shocking i know! but we see it all the time but yet we judge our self on the way they look and the idea is " you want to take this if you want to look like me "   can you look like them?
sure - maybe train a little harder , eat a little cleaner , take a few selfies and photo shop them to give you a better tan..or look bigger...or smaller .....take some gear ( steroids ) to get that little extra muscle mass or lean can look like them 100% and if that's the look you want then go for it, but do it for you! not cause that's what the world expects
But lets get back to you...what aren't you happy with and why must we compare ourselves to look a certain way? what's wrong with how you look now?
its these images we see on social media that may make us feel this way and make us think " If i looked like that i'd get that girl" or " if i trainer hard like that and post stuff i'll drive that car "
........yeahhh nahh you wont!
But thats ok....cause there is NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU! the image of you is perfect and you shouldn't think anything different!
BUT , if your a little over weight or underweight ( yes its a thing ) then change it. clean up the diet , start training , find yourself a trainer who you feel comfortable with and get started. It might take you a few trainers to find the one you like but who cares..its all about you and what makes you happy!
we are caught up in the image of self and how society  says we" should" look rather than how i want to look , not even look..the things we do! clubbing, partying , taking drugs is ok...but that guy who trains on a Saturday night is a freak and a looser...why? have you ever thought that the feeling you get from going out he or she gets from training?
what about the other way around? the guy or girl in the gym training thinks the peopple who head out are strange cause they want to go out , get drunk and wake up feeling like shit the next what if both parties thought..."Who really gives a shit?" point being...are you / they really happy??

Whats sad is i see these fitness coaches / Personal trainers or fit people in general laughing or mocking that fat guy or girl on the treadmill, the skinny guy on the bench press pushing out 10kg's and hitting struggle street! these people are here for the same reasons as you..they want to get a little fitter and stronger. work on them and make themselves happy! so rather than being a, offer a spot if they need it ( dont do it in a rude way either idiot ) give that overweight person on the treadmill a nod and a look of " good job champion, keep that shit up, your doing well"
lets cut this judging bullshit out and start just accepting people for who they are and what they do!

lets not make people feel like they aren't good enough to become what they truly are happy being and doing!

if your happy going to the gym twice a week THEN DO THAT
if your happy training hard during the week then partying on the weekend THEN DO THAT
if you want to shave half your head and get a neck tattoo THEN DO THAT

you have one life and one life it how you want to live it and dont let anyone tell you that the image of yourself is wrong!

All I want is a place to call my own
To mend the hearts of everyone who feels alone
Whoa, you know to keep your hopes up high
And your head down low " 
credit - A Day to remember

Monday 14 March 2016

Shredz 30 day challenge #week3

                Shredz 30 Day Challenge!
                              Follow my instagram >>>  @jayjandoanderson

Ok guys and girls, so we are on week 3!
Weight hasnt changed toooooo much, but i did have a shit couple of days these past few days, i was sick yesterday and the day before thanks to a cheat meal of bad Thai food!
Let me just throw this in while I'm at it, if you eat clean say 2-3 weeks then get a cheat meal.. or decide to have one, DO NOT i repeat DO NOT have one with high oils, MSG, salts and I'm sure other shit....cause thats all you'l do for 2 days...shit, have stomach cramps and feel like death, struggling to eat your meals or even train, so that last 2 days has been me eating oats and rice cakes to try settle my stomach while i drink hydrolights to get my electros up!
today ( Tuesday ) i'll be back in the gym smashing out a leg session which consist of
leg extensions
laying leg curls
Sumo squats
Leg press

pretty much the sets are around 5-8 and reps are around 6-10, so it'll be a heavy day me thinks :)
feel free to give it a crack, rest is around 60-90sec.

before you hit the legs do your 5-10min warm up stretch it out, hit your abs with some
Leg raises
Russian twist
ab roller

45 sec on
30 sec rest
6 rounds

After you it the abs and the leg's time for your HIIT session...yeah its going to suck, but ahh well off you go.


level 14-15 ( or what you can do thats a sprint )
incline 3-4

15sec on 20sec on......every 2-3 min walk for 3 min to recovery, then go again for 15-20min....have fun!

I think the most important thing about this program is that you need to be consistent!

 keep up with the workouts, make sure you finish them off and give 100% in each session!
take the supplements at the right time and eat your meals! your results will come!

Top 2 are when i first started 3 weeks ago
Bottom 2 are 3 days ago ( before I got sick )

Shoulders have fill'd  out and i've gotten wider up top and leaner around the mid section!
no filters here or any photo shop...just hard work!

So 2 more weeks to go....lets see what i can do!

make sure you jump over to my instagram for the workouts i'm doing :)

Saturday 12 March 2016

Get motivated!! #stopfuknaround

                     GET MOTIVATED!!!!


God the big the fuk can I or Get MOTIVATED!!
now you probably read that and thought......" thats the same fukn thing " right?
well i don't think so at least.
The reason i bring this up is due to the fact i hear this a lot... now it could be in the gym, sure i mean this is a fitness blog..right?
well yes and no, i do like to talk about life, now just so happens my life is health and fitness but im also talking about life! your life, my life, that guy next door...his life...that chick running on the treadmill ( assuming ) her life, and in life we all have trouble getting motivated at some point! side tracked up there...lets carry on.
So i'm in the gym and i hear " fuk man im not motivated today" or " really cant be fukd training today" and my fav " im just not motivated " .....well shit how about we address these issues and why?

Not motivated today - 
So lets be honest, you walk into the gym..or work or where ever right? shits the same you could love the gym or your job but its the in day out, unless a knew staff member has started or there is a knew hot chick that's joined and everyone is treating them like that new fukn toy at Christmas...then in a few months you'll get over it and it's back to that same old same old!
Guys miiiiiix it up for farrrrk sake! and it can be in the smallest way, you have 2 pieces of toast and a coffee for breaky...fuk have eggs or if you dont like eggs have a shake, or just a coffee just mix it up! you train chest on Monday " but jay its international chest day !! " ok gym rat calm down, try doing your workout...backwards, SAYYYY WHAAT!!! " Mind blown " i know right genius! ( not really ) train those little Tri's first, hit those flies after, do that incline shit next then finish that bad boy of on the bench like a fukn BOSS! changing your motivation that day isnt hard. so stop bitching and mix it up! 

Now - how can i get motivated?

........pretty simple, if you aren't motivated to do aren't motivated about it! you could dead set have the best idea, but if you aren't passionate about it and have no interest in it then you wont be motivated to do it.. like me in high school, hated English, it was boring, it wasn't interesting to me....but down the track i wish i had been! spelling and grammar would have soooo much better hahaha ahh well.
what's this got to do with fitness?
If your not into going to the gym and when your there you hate it...that's fine and don't let any fuker tell you different. If outdoor is your thing hen go find an outdoor group, men's woman's mixed or one on one who gives a shit, if that makes you happy and motivated then go for it! even those fukn home videos...DOOOO IT!
find your thing, find what gets you going, what gets you to think " fuk yeah lets do it" and go smash those goals, it could be at work hitting that sales target or that dead line you have...think " when i smash this dead line, I'm taking my beautiful wife or my husband and we going on a weekend trip away " reward yourself for the motivation! this come's in the lines of goal setting 100%!

The motivation - you cant fit into those jeans 
The goal - get your ass in those jeans
The reward - you now can fit back in those jeans

sure there will be bumps along that road yeah, i mean Sir Richard Branson was bankrupt...twice! but he kept going...and that's the point here. DON'T GIVE UP!!
you find your WHY and you'll get your WANT i promise you that.
do i have mine? no not i working for it? 100%
but let me paint you picture...I'm 29 years old, single , i don't have my son, it's 10pm on a Saturday night and I'm working on my on line personal training business as well as face to face AND working on my clothing line....listening to Bone Thugs & Hormony! why? cause I'm sick of the same old same old Saturday night, i'm sick of looking at my bank account thinking " How the fuk am i going to get rent this week " 
my motivation is to create a better life for myself and my son, so my family doesn't have to worry about money issues either, to be able to take my son on holiday's to easily pay for his school fees and not stress.....these are my why's i chose to stay home and do this....because giving up is NOT AN OPTION!
don't give up, never stop trying and i promise you will get there!! STOP FUKN AROUND and go get it! 

Wednesday 9 March 2016

Shredz 30 day challenge

                Shredz 30 Day Challenge!

.......well, that was a long tomorrow!
Sorry team, got a little caught up with life and the shit it throws at you..but lets move on!

Ok so the diet has shifted from eating like a pregnant woman with twins to a pregnant woman....that's it really.
carbs are cut by around 50-100g pending on what meal i'm at that time of day!

but i can tell you one thing, it's nice to finish a workout and not have to eat 610g of potato!!
Cause that my fit friends...FUKN SUCKED!!!
in saying that i have gained 3kg of mixed muscle and fat...more so fat due to the high amount of carb i was eating in week 1 so my weight is now at around 80-81kg ( fluctuating )
week 2 most meals are at around 175g or protein and 305g of carbs 100g of broccoli and 35g of fats!

Workouts are pretty much the same, 5-10 sets with 16-20 reps pending on what i'm training that day! upper body tends to be around the 3-5 sets with 16-18 reps but the legs.....god dam leg day, this bitch of a day tends to be where i almost throw up..and no i'm not kidding! some exercise will be 8-8 but heavy, next will be like 6-20....its crap guys...really, really.......really crap! but ay the shits working so lets keep going!

if your wondering cardio is pretty much every 2nd to 3rd due to the fact i hate running, I use battle ropes ( check out my insta for the video @jayjandoanderson )  for my cardio, it uses all muscle groups to work while smashing the core strength ( pending on what your doing of course!

But look all in all its going well! hardest part is still the food 100%
but as we all know, you gotta eat to grow!
until next time stay lean, stay strong and stay shredded!! #shredzarmy 

PS sorry about the shit spelling with my blogs...clearly not my strongest point....but we can discuss that another time lol.

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday 2 March 2016

Shredz 30 day challenge Day #1

           Shredz 30 Day Challenge!

Even as a personal trainer we do get " bored " from working out every now and again, so we always want to look up the knew " best thing " or even what's the "hot trend" e.g your Crossfit, F45 training and your Les Mill classes ( all great types of training i might add ) so i want on my daily scroll on Instagram and what kept coming up was a company/brand Shredz, as i dug deeper into the brand itself i found myself more and more intrigued with the fitness life style they port-raid! 
Promoted healthy living, working hard, staying focused but most of all...staying humble...i loved it! 
so i signed up to what they called a 30 day challenge!
Now what you would think of when you hear the word challenge is...weight lose, wel l most people would, i saw on their instagram photos of people who had done the challenge and looked great, looking healthy and "toned" and proud of what results they have they should be!
but me, my challenge isn't weight lose..NO, mine is GAIN!!!! 
now i'm 29 years old, i weigh 77kg and i'm 5'9ft so i was interested to see what they would come up with.

Jumped on the website and shot them an inbox explaining my situation.
Now the guy i spoke to Jason was ready to help me out with a drop of a hat ( thinking he gets paid by how many people he signs up ) but that's me thinking from a sales background. i told him my goal which is to step back on stage at a lean 83-85kg in a few months. Jason put a package together for me which contained Protein powder ( Whey protein isolate) Testosterone booster, Fat Burner, Creatine Tabs and BCAA ( Branched chain amino acids) along with containers for my meals, scales to weigh my food and a duffel bag..well to carry my gym stuff.

Then the next part of the package and i did not see this coming! 

A meal plan..:0 ok your wondering why im shocked, most companies would give you a guide on what to take, this thing had how many meals i should have, what kind of meals they should be, meaning rice, chicken , beef blah blah blah but also the gram amount for each meal for the full 4-5 weeks! now thats pretty dam good. granted they would have most of this all on file ready to go, but you dont expect it this in depth! 

Next the this thing was nuts! what exercise i should do, how many sets and reps along with the cardio they wanted me to do on that days workout and ab routine which was awesome as they had 4 different types to do on 4 different day's. 
meaning you had 4 for a tighter waist, 4 for definition and so on.

each week changes with the sets and reps and even the excise change so you don't get bored which is nice!

week 1 looks like a heavy growing faze! heavy ass lifting days followed by HITT sessions! but every 2nd day we start of with an ab routine!

Food - ok i get you need to " eat to grow " but fuk me i have never eaten so much in my life!
a rough guide as to what i'm eating would be 360g eggs in the AM with 85g of oats. then i train, after its shake time with 600g of potato, pretty much every meal after that is 175-300g of protein 300-375g of carb, 100g of broccoli and around 30-40g of fats ( good fats ) 
day one and i already feel heavy AF ( as fuk ) each meal is hard to eat at the time but within an hour i'm hungry again...and i hate it hahaha but ahhh well the things we do!

So today's session was abs and legs followed by a HITT session the stretching! 
tomorrows sesh is upper body, abs with s steady 20min walk!

oh and that package that i spoke about....cost $160Aus, now that my friends is cheap AF! all those meal plans, training program, the ebooks..oh yeah you get Ebooks, then training bag scales and containers for your food and weekly check ins with Jason ( well so he said ) its a pretty good deal guys!

follow my Instagram account @jayjandoanderson for progress pics and updates!
also follow my athletes page on face book - Jay Ando Athlete for food and training videos!

until tomorrow, stay motivated!   


Monday 29 February 2016

What's the secret in losing weight?

What is the most common questions we get in the fitness industry....What is the secret to losing weight?

First lets just get one thing straight, there is no secret... like at all! its called hard work!
i'm not just talking about in the i'm talking about in everything you do in side and out side the gym!
Are you training hard? i mean really training hard?
Are you eating clean? i'm not just talking about " i had a salad for lunch " no!
Are you getting enough sleep? having 4 hours a night is not cool or enough!! get those ZZZ!
Are you stressed? stress can cause weight gain/ maintain on so many levels..get rid of it!
Are you really trying? no i dont mean " im doing a 8 week diet" no i mean really giving it ago?

lets find out,,,,shall we?

Training hard - training hard isnt about going in the gym / outside for 30-45 min doing 20min on a bike / treadmill or cross trainer.. no! i'm talking warm up 10min hitting some weights ( yes weights ) with high reps ( 15-20 ) moderate sets ( 4-6 ) full body workouts with a HITT  ( High intense interval training )   session at the end of every workout! you need to be training around 4-6 days per week! at least!!!!!! please...PLEASE dot give me tis shit about not having enough time, wake up earlier, go to bed later, WHAT EVER IT TAKES!! lets really make that goal weight happen!you can do it and YOU WILL!!
If your not sure on what to do in the gym, there is plenty of good content on Youtube and online programs ( yes mine included )  but start off simple, use a personal trainer at your local gym? spend around 2 weeks watching them and how they treat/ train their clients
- do they turn up on time?
- do they show they care for the client?
- are they checking up on their client?
- is the client getting results? ( that you can see )
- would you feel comfortable using that personal trainer?
If they tick these boxes, then go for gold! remember they are a PT not a mind reader so go up to them for a chat and ask for some training!
( if they dont ask what your diets like, take measurements of your body or ask how many times a week and what kind of training you are currently doing along with any medical questions...then yes they are also shit!)

Eating clean - ok ok ok now here is where most people will fail! BUT it is easy to do!
you gotta eat more than 3 meals a day for start.. lets get that metabolism cranking and try to get 2 more in! no they dont have to be massive, not at all, lets keep it small. start by having -                       meal 1 - 2 boiled eggs with Avocado , tomato
meal 2 - protein shake, 2 rice cakes with Almond butter
meal 3 - protein shake, hand full of almonds
meal 4 - chicken , broccoli sweet potato
meal 5 - beef, eggs, broccoli

simple and easy...dont make these large portion size. ( we wont add grams on this due to everyone being different ) but do have enough to feel almost full.

LEARN TO MEAL PREP!! not sure how? once again youtube has some great stuff on there to teach you these things ( i also do a video on my facebook page @ Jay Ando Athlete and instagram  @jayjandoanderson )  try to keep it all simple! use the microwave grill and oven! but just keep it simple!

SLEEP -  Sleep has to be one of the most important parts to a healthy slimier life style! sure there are plenty of benifits to getting a good nights sleep.... and i'm not going to bore the shit out of you with them, BUT the simple fun function better and recover better...simple! body has time to slow down and put itself into a resting state to recover for another full day of FAF training or if you'd like FIT AS FARK training! if you only manage to get 5 hours! try to have another 30-45min in the day if you can. just enough to recharge and do what you gotta do for the rest of the day!

Stress - if you have high levels of stress, such as kids, job , husband , wife, life in general then you need to learn to manage it.....or take a boxing class....not even kidding, punch the shit outta something! get mad get angry 100% you'l feel better and the stress will drop along with the weight!

You really trying - Be honest with yourself....are you really trying...have you done everything in your power to reach your goal? did you get up at 4.30am and go on that run? did you put in 110% in every workout? did you prep your food? did you reject going out to that party or those dinners to hit the gym and train to reach your goal?
those parties those drinks , the friends you have, that food you it really going anywhere?
i'm pretty sure its not! this one chance to actually do something for yourself and to start living a happier healthier life style! dont let that slip by for a moment of " just one wont hurt " put in the hard yards now and enjoy the results later when they come!
and i promise really put in the effort...IT WILL COME!!

now.......GO GET IT!